"Cinema Concept Production" – it’s the new blood, which decided to propel the current film revolution.
We don’t only make a film, but try to get into interested audience, implementing effective management and marketing technologies.
The main task of our film company is the accompaniment of a creative film project from the conception, the formation of ideas to its mass commercial implementation.
Producers of the film company “Cinema Concept Production” have the idea that will attract the audience; at the initial stage they organize the collection of information about the preferences and needs of moviegoers.
A marketer processes and analyzes this information. Then a creative team is created, design is selected, then there is an adaptation of product to the target audience and communication with distributors, or with administration of some channel about its correct positioning.
Production of the cinema is more than risky. Low cost for the production of a film can make a high profit or it can happen the other way round.
The task of our film company is to find an idea and attract investments for production, to finish the project, and then successfully implement it.
When selecting staff in our production team, we try to maintain a balance between creative people who need to be trained in business, and people working in business, but with a tendency to creativity.
In the cinema industry, the products become obsolete very quickly, and it often happens that during the preparation of the project it turns out that it has already obsoleted, or something similar has created. Therefore, it is necessary to see the direction of development of the interests of the public, what exactly we do every day.
"Cinema Concept Production" – it’s the balance of "lyrics" and "mathematics", the ability to quickly evaluate the various scenarios and how creativity can make a profit.