В апреле 2018 года стартует новый проект "Синема Концепт Продакшн" в сотрудничестве со специалистами киностудии "Таджикфильм" под рабочим названием "Пастбища богов". Подготовительный период намечен на апрель-май 2018 года, а съёмочный процесс и экспедиция творческого состава на Памир запланирован на июнь-август 2018 года.
Памир. Крыша мира. Высочайшие горы земли, где живут удивительные люди с многовековой историей – памирцы.
Живут они не так, как народы равнин – не в горизонтальном пространстве. Они живут в координатах вертикали, где нижней границей будут горные реки, что бурными потоками бегут по ущельям, а верхней – невысокие деревья горного можжевельника. Выше люди не живут. Выше живут нахчиры – горные козлы, которых согласно памирским легендам пасут небесные девы, пери. Это территория духов. Пастбища богов. И на это землю приезжают охотники из Москвы… Вместе с героями – жителями современного мегаполиса, мы попадаем в уникальный и необычный мир памирской субкультуры, с его традициями, характерами, красками и образом жизни.
Тема столкновения двух миров, двух мировоззрений достаточно разработана в мировом кино. Но достаточно давно, со времен фильма «Дети Памира», великолепная памирская фактура не использовалась в отечественном кинематографе. Задача нашего фильма – показать все многообразие и красоту памирского региона в рамках жанрового остросюжетного кино, в основе которого лежит конфликт двух философий. Философия сурового природного мира, где люди, чтобы выжить, должны быть сильными духом и телом, терпеливыми, сплоченными и честными в отношениях друг с другом. И философия огромного мегаполиса, которым правят деньги и рациональный эгоизм, где люди, чтобы выжить, должны конкурировать друг с другом.
1990-1994 гг.Учился в Самарской государственной академии культуры и искусств (филиал в Волгограде) по профессии актер театра и кино, который закончил с отличием.
С 1998-2000гг. концертная деятельность, продюссирование г.Сочи, Краснодарского края.
С 2000 года и по сей день Генеральный директор одной из ведущих event- компаний России-“Империя Шоу”.
C 26 мая 2014 года основатель и Генеральный директор кинокомпании “Синема Концепт Продакшн".
Режиссер-постановщик и автор сценария Олег Денисов
Композитор Завкибеков Икбол Гурминджевич
Окончил отделение восточной музыки музыкального факультета Таджикского Государственного института искусств им. М.Турсун-заде (1989).
В 1984-1986 гг. работал музыкантом ансамбля «Согдиана» Таджикской Государственной филармонии, в 1986-1990 гг. – музыкант ансамбля «Зебо» и фольклорной группы Государственного Комитета по телевидению и радиовещанию, в 1990-1991 гг. – звукорежиссер Центра творческой молодежи ЦК ЛКСМ Таджикистана. С 1991 года – художественный руководитель музыкальной группы «Шамс» при НПО «Музей Гурминджа».
Уроженец Горно Бадахшанской Автономной Области.
Композитор.Самый лучший Гитарист Таджикистана....
Второй режиссер Толик Гадомамадов
1985-1989 Душанбинский Институт Культуры - Факультет режиссуры ТВ и массовой организации
Итак, нам нужны актеры на роли следующих персонажей:
A new project "Pasture of the gods" has started
In April 2018 a new project of Cinema Concept Production together with the specialists of the film studio Tajikfilm with the work title "Pastures of the Gods" will start. The preparatory period is scheduled for April-May 2018, and the filming process and the expedition of creative team to the Pamir is scheduled for June-August 2018.
The Pamirs. Roof of the world. The highest mountains of the Earth, where amazing people - Pamirians - live with a centuries-old history. They do not live in the same way as people of the plains - not in the horizontal space. They live in the coordinates of the vertical, where the mountain rivers which stormy streams run along the gorges are the lower border, and the upper - low trees of the mountain juniper. People do not live above. Above nakhchirs live - mountain goats, which according to Pamirian legends are grazed by the heavenly maidens, peri. This is territory of spirits. Pastures of the gods. And hunters from Moscow came to this land ... Together with the heroes of the modern megalopolis, we find ourselves in the unique and unusual world of the Pamir subculture, with its traditions, characters, colors and way of life.
The theme of the collision of two worlds, two worldviews has sufficiently developed in the world cinema. But since the time of the film "The Children of the Pamirs", a magnificent Pamir texture was not used in our cinema. The task of our film is to show all the diversity and beauty of the Pamirs region within the framework of the genre action movie, which is based on the conflict of two philosophies. The philosophy of the harsh natural world, where people, in order to survive, must have strong spirit and body, must be patient, united and honest in their relations with each other. And also the philosophy of a huge metropolis, ruled by money and rational egoism, where people have to compete with each other in order to survive.
1990-1994 was studying in the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts (branch in Volgograd) as an actor of theater and cinema, which has graduated with honors.
1998-2000 - concert activity, production in Sochi..
Since 2000, and to this day, he is General Director of one of the leading event-companies in Russia - "Imperia Show."
Since May 16, 2014 he is the founder and General Director of the film company "Cinema Concept Production."
A graduate of the director's studio of A.E. Uchitel. All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov (a.k.a. VGIK), 2012.
During the studying he made a documentary film "Mother. Father. Son". The film was awarded with the diploma of the The Russian Guild of Film Critics at the XVI Festival of Russian Films "Window to Europe"; received a special jury prize at the XXVIII VGIK International Festival.
Director. Shooting of reportage documentaries "KremlinGala 2011" and "KremlinGala 2012" by request of " V. Vinokur’s Foundation for Culture and Art support".
Director. Debut feature film "Treasures of Ermak" (co-authored with Anarom Abbasov). Producers: Alexey Uchitel, Kira Saksaganskaya, Philipp Pastukhov. The date of submission to the Ministry of Culture is December 2017.
Screenwriter. Scenario of the feature film "Battle" (co-authored with Anarom Abbasov). One of the winners in the pitching of the Ministry of Culture in 2017. In the production plan for 2018.
1) "Return it to me, my dear." Was at Short Film Corner at the Cannes Film Festival in 2014.
2) "The open door". Took the jury prize at the "Window to Europe" festival in Vyborg.
3) "Russia is like a dream." Experimental cinema. Was shown on the ARPA in Los Angeles.
4) "The ice-hole". Participated in the main competition Kinotavr-2017.
He graduated from the Department of Oriental Music of the Music Faculty of the Tajik State Institute of Arts. - M.Tursunzade (1989).
In 1984-1986 he was working as a musician of the ensemble "Sogdiana" of the Tajik State Philharmonic Society, in 1986-1990 he was musician of ensemble "Zebo" and folklore group of the State Committee of Television and Radio Broadcasting, in 1990-1991 - sound engineer of the Creative Center of the Central Committee of the Young Communist League of Tajikistan. Since 1991 - he is artistic director of the musical group "Shams" of NGO "Gurminj Museum".
He is native of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region.
Composer and the best guitarist of Tajikistan.
1985-1989 - Dushanbe Institute of Culture, Faculty of Directing and the Mass Organization
Courses: IVLP International Visitors Program participant. USA 2015
Participant Approval for FY15 IVLP Multi-Regional Project
"Promotion Social Good through the Arts," (Certificate)
1989-1990 Assistant Director, Tajikfilm Studios, Dushanbe - Tajikistan
1990-1995 Republican TV (Dushanbe, director)
Feature films: "The scream of hatred," "There will be no New Year," "Adoration of fire," "Special Forces." Documentary films - "The Great Game", "Shogun"
So, we need actors on the roles of the following characters:
1. A young girl (17-21 years old), who is fluent in the Shugnan dialect (professional actress or amateur). Main role.
2. A young guy (22-26 years old), who is fluent in Shugnan dialect (professional actor or amateur). Main role.
3. A young man (25-32 years old), who is fluent in Shugnan dialect (professional actor or amateur). Main role.
4. A man (50-60 years old), who is fluent in Shugnan dialect (professional actor or amateur). Role of the second plan.
5. A woman (50-60 years), who is fluent in the Shugnan dialect (professional actress or amateur). Role of the second plan.
6. A young girl (18-20 years old), who is fluent in the Shugnan dialect (professional actress or amateur). Role of the second plan.
Actors of mass scenes: men, women, old people, grandmothers, children, teenagers, girls, mothers with babies (age from 1 year to 90 years)
Citizens of the Russian Federation must have a non-overdue foreign passport.
The filming is scheduled for June-August 2018.